What do you mean by renewing culture? Why do you place such an emphasis on the early Church Fathers and the Classics? What do you mean by ecumenism? Why is your organization called the "Eighth Day" institute? What are your educational goals? What is your vision for the future? How did you come to be? What is your story? We hope our answers on this page will address your questions. CONTACT US if you still have questions.
If you would like to GET INVOLVED in our work, we are always looking for like-minded contributors.
To train the mind of the student to recognize unchanging truth and the soul in virtuous character, by immersion in a classical curriculum and historic Orthodox Christian Spirituality.
The Case for an Orthodox Classical School in Wichita

For I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you welcomed me; I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came to me… as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.
IOCC, in the spirit of Christ’s love, offers emergency relief and development programs to those in need worldwide, without discrimination, and strengthens the capacity of the Orthodox Church to so respond.
We envision that, by God’s grace, IOCC will respond, without discrimination, to those who are suffering and in need, to enable them to continue to improve their own lives and communities and to have means to live with dignity, respect and hope.
IOCC, the international humanitarian aid and development agency of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America, aims to develop in Orthodox Christians a commitment to philanthropy and global cooperative involvement in the diaconal work of the Orthodox Church.
Matthew 25:35-36, 40
To bring the love of Christ to those who are in prison by providing encouragement, material support, transition and reintegration services, Christian education, spiritual guidance and the sacramental life of the Church.

The Treehouse offers mothers and babies a brighter future through sharing God’s love, basic necessities, education and genuine personal care.
By incorporating Christ into everything we do at The Treehouse, we teach moms they are not alone in their struggles. When the world seems like a very dark place, they have someone and somewhere to turn for hope. The Treehouse guides and empowers new moms by providing positive female role models, education and spiritual support. Showing and providing Christ’s love to moms who may not be exposed otherwise is core to The Treehouse mission. We gently encourage moms toward a spiritual life regardless of denomination. The reflection room at
The Treehouse is always open for moms to pray, read a scripture or simply enjoy a quiet moment.
@2017 St. George Orthodox Christian Cathedral - by JGRZ