Father Mark Sultani is a native of Farmington Hills, MI, a suburb of Detroit, and grew up at St. Mary’s Orthodox Church in Livonia, MI. Fr. Mark spent his formative years serving as an altar boy and later as a chanter, choir member, and Sunday School teacher. He grew up attending the Antiochian Village every summer as a camper and spent three years as a camp counselor. He was the President of his OCF (Orthodox Christian Fellowship) chapter in college and served on the Student Leadership Board for OCF as the College Conference East Student Leader for two years, where he met his wife, Presvytera Nicole. After earning his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at the University of Michigan, Fr. Mark worked for one year as a software developer in Ann Arbor, MI.
Upon deciding to pursue full-time ministry in the Church, Fr. Mark took a one-year position as the Parish Intern at St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church in Phoenix, AZ. Fr. Mark earned his Masters of Divinity from St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in May of 2023 and married Presvytera Nicole later that month. The two of them moved to Wichita shortly thereafter.
Fr. Mark first came to St. George Cathedral as our Pastoral Assistant in which position he served for one year, from August 2023 to August 2024. He was ordained to the holy diaconate at St. George Cathedral on April 27, 2024 and to the holy priesthood at his home parish on August 18, 2024, at which point he stepped into the role of Assistant Pastor.